Programme SAP RES_EGPLT_XPRA_01 - Convert EGPLT to client-dependent EGPLTX

The XPRA converts the EGPLT table into the client-delendent tableEGPLTX. The location addition for the device category fieldremains empty until the XPRA has run.

The XPRA is deliverefd for the first time with release 1.2 AOP003.

The XPRA converts the entries of table EGPLY into table EGPLTX for allclients. The system first determines all the existing clients. Thesystem then checks each client to find out whether a device locationexists for a location addition. If this is the case, and table EGPLTXdoes not already contain an entry with the same key then the locationaddition is inserted.
If the device location is diconnected during the conversion then acorresponding messsage is written in the log. The XPRA then continuesprocessing the next device location.
The converted entriesa from table EGPLT are deleted so that only therecords left over are converetd the next time the XPRA is started.

After you have applied AOP003, start the report. When the the programrun has finished, check the log that was generated. Here you can see,among other things, whether all the entries were converted (andconsequently, whether you need to restart the report).