Programme SAP RESNMON1 - Find Objects for TRESN Packages (Reserved Namespaces)

This report program generates a list of all objects in packages forwhich there is a namespace reservation in the table TRESN.
Level 1
Displays all packages for which there is a TRESN reservation, togetherwith the number of all objects in this class.
Level 2
Displays all object types in the packages, split according to thenumber of objects within and outside the reserved areas.
Level 3
Displays individual objects together with the author and originalsystem. The customer system displays only objects in namespaces forwhich customer packages are reserved. Internal SAP systems display onlyobjects in namespaces for which SAP packages are reserved.
The TRESN logic protects namespaces for defined packages. No objectsfrom other packages may be created in these namespaces.
However, you cannot monitor whether all objects created in a packageare also in the reserved namespace. Customers with large, decentralizeddevelopment projects need to keep any non-reserved name ranges free fornew projects. They make their development teams adhere to namingconventions, without forcing them to do so functionally.
This report program lets you monitor whether developers are keeping tothe namespace rules. It also provides statistics on the objects innamespaces.
To avoid long runtimes, we recommend that you select packages.
If you execute the report in the background, you cannot expand the listof individual objects.

You require the display authorization for the Change and TransportSystem.