This report can be used to reset the external sourcing status inPurchase Requisitions.
Due to different possible technical problems in communication channelsor in the external sourcing systems, it could happen that a PurchaseRequisitions in ERP is set to status external sourcing, but in externalsourcing system this Purchase Requisition is not succesfully processed.In this case,ERP gets no corresponding confirmation message and theexternal sourcing status 'Pending' will never changed.
One possibility to solve this situation is to reset the externalsourcing status.

With Release ERP 6.03 Purchase Requisitions can be sent for sourcingprocesses to external souring systems. This communication worksasynchronous. For a Purchase Requisition sent out to external sourcingsystem a corresponding status is set. Until ERP recieves anconfirmation from external sourcing system, the external processingstatus within the Purchase Requisition is set to 'Pending'. Theconfirmation message from external system sets this status either to'Accepted' or 'Rejected'. The external sourcing system has to sent backa confirmation message for each Purchase Requisition recieved.
Only Purchase Requisitions with external sourcing status 'Pending' canbe processed.

The report selects Purchase Requisitions based on your maintainedselection criterias. In the result list you can mark the PurchaseRequisitions you want to 'Reset' and press the button 'Delete'. You hasto confirm the action in the pop-up.
Only Purchase Requisitions with external sourcing status 'Pending' canbe processed.
Before using this report you should analyse why the external sourcingsystem has not succesfully processed the Purchase Requisitions and theexternal sourcing status is still 'Pending' and not 'Accepted' or'Rejected'.
The report can be started with transaction (TA) SE38.
The problem may be in following areas:
Workflow event which triggers the service outbound process, check theworkflow trace with TA SWEL or workflow events with errors TA SWPR.
Problem during Service outbound processing, check service monitor withTA SXMB_MONI.
Problems on XI, check with TA SXMB_MONI on XI.
Problems in external sourcing system.
Problems in inbound processing of corresponding 'Confirmation' message,check with TA SXMB_MONI.