Programme SAP REPDAR_REL_HEAD_ILM - Reload archived print document headers

Reload archived print document headers.

This report reloads data that has been archived and already deleted, andhas the effect that all changes made to the database by the deletionprogram are undone. The archive indexes updated by the deletion programare also deleted.
You can only use the reload program to reload complete archiving runs.You cannot reload individual documents.
The archiving object related to the archiving of print document headersis called ISU_PRDOCH. It encompasses the following print document data:

  • Print document header data

  • Outsorting data for a print document

  • Link data for contract accounting documents

  • Discount line item data for a print document

  • Data for conversion steps per billing line item

  • You can find the definition of the archiving object ISU_PRDOCH and theaccompanying Customizing using the transaction archiving objectAOBJ.
    You can find the archive administration and the accompanying Customizingusing the transaction archive administration SARA.
    You can access the technical view of an archive using the transactionarchive information system SARI.
    You can access the accounting view of an archived print document usingthe transaction budget billing plan EA63.



    • First step to archiving print document headers: analysing the printdocuments with a view to possibly archiving them.

      • Second step: archiving the print document headers selected in the firststep.

        • Third step: deleting the print document headers in the database on thebasis of the previously created archive.

          • This report allows you to read a print document header archive and todisplay parts of the data in a list before the deletion program has beenexecuted. It displays the data in a technical view.



            Starting the program
            When you start the report you can make various settings on the initialscreen:

            • Log type: General statistical data or detail log (can become confusing
            • with large amounts of data).
              • Test run: If you start the report as a test run, no changes are made to
              • the database (updating the archiving indicator in the print documentheader).