Programme SAP REPDAR_ANALYSE_LINES_ILM - Analyze print document line items for archiving

Analyze print document line items for archiving

This report carries out the first step in archiving print document lineitems: analyzing print document line items with a view to possiblyarchiving them.
The archiving object related to the archiving of print document headersis called ISU_PRDOCL.
Using the AOBJ transaction you will find the definition of theISU_PRDOCL archiving object and the related Customizing.
Using the SARA transaction you will find archiving administration andthe related Customizing.
Using the SARI transaction you will find the technical view of anarchive.
Using the menu for the utilities industry, you will find the accountingview of an archived print document.



  • Second step: archiving the print document line items selected in thefirst step.

    • Third step: deleting the print document line items in the database onthe basis of the previously created archive.

      • Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual budget billing plans.You have to reload the entire archiving run. This procedure should notnormally be used and should be limited to extreme problem cases (forexample, incorrect retention period in Customizing).

        • This report allows you to read a print document line item archive and todisplay parts of the data in a list before the deletion program has beenexecuted. It displays the data in a technical view.


          The analysis report selects the print documents:

          • that lie within the specified number range for documents, contract
          • accounts or portions
            • that do not have an archive status in their document header

            • which are not simulation documents (these are only deleted)

            • whose retention period has expired.

            • The retention period is set in Customizing.Here you can assign different retention periods (in days) to thereversal print document headers, reversed print document headers and therest of the print document headers respectively.
              In a subsequent analysis any print documents that were not printed yetare taken out of the list. This does not apply to reversal/reversedprint documents.
              You have the option of defining additional customer-specific checksusing a user exit. For more information, see the documentation on theETOAR002 enhancement (using the SMOD transaction) and thedocumentation on the EXIT_REPDAR_ANALYSE_LINES_001 functionmodule.
              The archive status of any print documents remaining after this analysisis set to 1 (print document line items can be archived). If you startthe analysis report in test mode, the archiving indicator will not beset.

              Starting the program
              When you start the report you can make various settings on the initialscreen:

              • Document number: limits the set of data to be analyzed to certain
              • bill print-document numbers
                • Contract account: limits the set of data to be analyzed to
                • certain contract accounts
                  • Portion: limits the set of data to be analyzed to certain
                  • portions
                    • Log type: general statistical data or detail log with detailed
                    • data for each analyzed record (can become confusing with large amountsof data).
                      • Run time restriction: If you activate the run time restriction,
                      • the analysis report terminates when the end date and end time isreached. This means that you can let the analysis report run as a jobduring short time frames.
                        • Test run: If you start the report as a test run, no changes are
                        • made to the database (updating the archiving indicator in the printdocument header).
                          • Automatic Archiving Start: Setting this indicator triggers the
                          • SAP_ISU_ARC_PRDOC_ANA_LINE_END event once the analysis run is complete.If you have previously used the same variant name when saving anarchiving run with the same selection parameters, and have scheduled thestart condition by event, then this is started automatically once theanalysis run is complete.