Programme SAP REMIG_DOCU_COPY - Copy documentation for migration

With this program, you can copy documentation modules from SAP thatcontain documentation for the migration object, structures and fieldsto one or more copied migration objects.
You can only copy objects with the same name from SAP or the customercompany.
This procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  • A system upgrade has been completed and migration objects have already
  • been copied.
    • A project must have either bilingual or multilingual capabilities.

    • The user has copied an object but was not authorized to create
    • documentation modules.
      When you copy a migration object, the documentation is transfered tothe new object in the original logon language only. No error will occurif you do not have authorization.
      The copied documentation modules are created as temporary objects andwill be lost when the system is upgraded.

      Enter a source and a target company.
      Enter the source object and the target object to use for the copyprocedure.
      This enables you to copy documentation for objects with differentnames.
      Alternatively, you can select several migration objects. In this case,you only copy documentation for migration objects with the same name.