Programme SAP REMIG101 - Migration: Display Customer Structure

Report REMIG101 is used to display the customer structure within theIS-U Migration Workbench.
It is called from transaction EMIGALL and can also be used outside ofthis transaction.

The configured migration Customizing is displayed as a list.
You can display the list in different layouts:

  • Display with/without fields for processing type 2 (fixed value)

  • Display all/individual field rules with detailled information and
  • documentation.
    From this list it is possible to display the customer structure foreach individual substructure of the automation data record by record.In the process, the individual fields of the structure are specifiedwith type, length, and offset. The field contents are displayedsymbolically.
    The layout of an example file can be displayed, in order to keepinformation about the sequence of individual record categories andpossible repetitions of a record category.
    It is also possible to obtain a list of all automation data fields.