Programme SAP RELARCH_ARCH_EABL_ILM - Archive Meter Reading Results

Archive Meter Reading Results (RELARCH_ARCH_EABL)

This report is the second step in archiving meter reading results: Theactual archiving of the meter reading results.
The archiving program RELARCH_ARCH_EABL creates an archiving file for anarchiving object. This is done using the index EABLARCHIVE which wascreated befiorehand in the analysis program. First the meter readingdocument number is read directly from the database for each entry inEABLARCHIVE. This meter reading document number, which identifies theregister, is used to determine the equipment number and the registernumber. This unique data is then used to determine all meter readingresults for this device (EABL and EABLG) up to and incluing theEABLARCHIVE meter reading date. The results are then written to thearchiving file. Once this has taken place, the entry is deleted from theindex EABLARCHIVE.


  • First step: Analyze Archivability of Meter Reading Results (

    • Third step: Delete Meter Reading Results from Database (

      • Restore Archived Meter Reading Results (

        • Display Archive of Meter Reading Results (

