Programme SAP REHS_XPRA_UPD_PERSGRP_TO_27B - EHS: Mapping Person Indicator (Ext.) to New Person Group Field

Fill the Person Group Field in Various Tables from the ExternalIndicator for the Tables

From Release 2.7B of SAP EH&S, the system makes a distinction betweenemployees, applicants, and external persons. In Release 2.7A there wasonly a distinction between internal and external persons. Therefore thefields for distinguishing between external and internal persons in thetables CCIHT_IP, CCIHT_IPEVA, CCIHT_FAL,CCIHT_ERQT, CCIHT_ERH, CCIHT_ANNC,CCIHT_ANML, and CCIHT_ACH must be transferred to the newfields for the person group.

The report executes the transfer and must be executed when you upgradefrom 2.7A to 2.7B.
The report can be executed in test mode. In this case it makesno changes to the database, but logs only the changes to be made.
For the fields Person acting or responsible (tablesCCIHT_ERQT, CCIHT_ANML) and Administrator for safetymeasure (table CCIHT_ACH), if the external indicator is notset a check is made whether a person exists with this personnel number.If this is not the case, the Person group field is not filled,otherwise it is filled normally. This is necessary because the abovefields can also be filled with persons that are not assigned to aperson group (employees, applicants, external persons).

395100Error in conversion report for person group