Programme SAP REHS_TMQ - Display 1000-Employee Quota

This report program determines the 1000-employee quota as an example.
The 1000-employee quota is a general accident statistic in which thetotal number of reportable work-related accidents is determined for adefined period of time and converted to a figure per 1000 full-timeemployees.
Work-related accidents can, for example, be accidents at work oraccidents on the way to work, depending on the relevant laws. Thereference period is usually one year, one quarter, or one month.


  • The system determines the reportable accidents by evaluating the
  • Reportable Accident indicator: anaccident is considered to be reportable or recordable if the indicatoris set for at least one personaffected in the incident/accident log.
    The Reportable Accident indicator can be set manually or by thesystem. You must have made the required system setting in Customizing bymeans of the user exitIAL_REPFLG. The standard system is based on German law. For moreinformation, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Basic Data andTools, Manage User Exits (seeCBIH_LB14_IAREPORTFLG_COMPUTE).
    • The report program calculates the number of full-time employees in a
    • company from the total number of hours worked in a year for an employeedivided by an assumed average number of hours worked per person peryear.
      The German workers' compensation associations prescribe the following asa guide value for the average yearly number of working hours: 1full-time employee = 1570 working hours per year. This value is presetin the standard system as the default value of the environment parameterIHS_FTEMPLOYEE_HOURS. If you want to use a different figure, you mustchange the value of the environment parameter in Customizingaccordingly.
      • To be able to check the plausibility of the calculated number of
      • full-time employees, a percentage value must have been specified inCustomizing by which the calculated number of full-time employees candeviate from the actual number of employees. In the standard system,this value is 50(%). If you want to use a different percentage value,you must change the value of the environment parameterIHS_FTEMPLOYEE_LIMIT.
        • An employee is defined as a
        • person for which a valid HR master record exists.

          In the initial access screen you can make the following selections:

          • Timeframe for calculation

          • You can calculate the 1000-employee quota for any time period, but theperiod cannot be longer than one year.
            • Area of calculation

            • You can determine the 1000-employee quota for the whole company, that iscumulated for all personnel areas, for onepersonnel area, or forpersonnel subareas.
              • Type of calculation

              • You can run the calculation either for the number of employees or thenumber of hours actually worked.
                If you run the evaluation for the hours actually worked, you must alsouse the Negative time recording indicator to specify how theworking time is recorded:
                If you do not set the indicator, the number of attendance hours is setthe same as the number of working hours. The system determines theattendance hours from the infotype attendances (2002) in SAPTime Management.
                If you set the indicator, theplanned working time istaken as the starting point for determining the hours actually worked.The system reads it in SAP Time Management from the infotypeplanned working time(0007). From this value,absences (infotype 2001)are subtracted and overtime
                (infotype 2005) is added. The infotypesubstitutions (2003) isalso taken into account.
                The working hours are calculated to the exact day.

                Calculation of number of full-time employees
                First the actual number of hours worked is determined for the specifiedarea in the specified time interval. If the time interval is not equalto one year, the determined working hours are projected accordingly.Dividing the result by the average annual number of working hours perperson (in the standard system 1570 hours) produces the number offull-time employees.
                Plausibility check
                The calculated number of full-time employees is compared with the actualnumber of employees in the specified personnel (sub)area or company. Ifthere is a deviation that is greater than the tolerance defined inCustomizing, the system issues a warning and the user has the option ofcanceling the process or continuing the calculation on the basis of thenumber of employees per personnel (sub)area or company.
                If the 1000-employee quota was not calculated on the basis of thefull-time employees, this is noted accordingly in the display of theresults.
                Determination of reportable accidents
                The number of reportable accidents is calculated at company level usingthe search methods for the incident/accident log.
                The number of reportable accidents per personnel (sub)area is determinedas follows:
                The system determines the total number of reportable accidents cumulatedfor all personnel areas (that is, for the whole company).
                A decision is made for each accident on the basis of the personsaffected whether the accident is to be assigned to the plant or theselected personnel (sub)area.
                Calculation of 1000-employee quota
                The number of reportable accidents is multiplied by the factor 1000 anddivided by the number of full-time employees.

456467Reports REHS_TMQ and REHS_MHQ