Programme SAP REHS_REG_DAT_TRACK_ANALYSE - EHS: Analysis of User Actions on Sensitive Data

With this report program you can display and manage the accesses tosensitive personal data that originate from the componentsOccupational Health (EHS-HEA) and Industrial Hygiene andSafety (EHS-IHS) and that were logged according to the Spanish dataprotection law Ley organico de protección de datos (LOPD).
Depending on the settings you make on the selection screen for thereport program, you can do the following with the log entries, forexample:

  • Display

  • Delete

  • Delete duplicates
  • Integration
    REHS_REG_DAT_TRACK_ANALYSE calls the report program RPULORE0 fromHuman Resources (HR). RPULORE0 exists only in Spanish.

    You can run the report only if access tracking and logging was activatedin Customizing for Basic Data and Tools using the environmentparameter EHS_REG_DAT_TRACK.

893084Data logging in planning cockpit
970142Adjustments in EH&S data logging