Programme SAP REHS_PERSONAL_EXPOSURE_LOG - Personal Exposure Log

With this report program you can create an overview of the exposuresituation for one or more persons for a selected time period. Youcan also determine for one or morework areas the agents towhich the persons are exposed, which were assigned to these work areasin the selected period.
The program selects from the following person groups:

  • Persons that have the role of test person in a
  • measurement project. Test persons can beemployees,applicants, orexternal persons.
    • Persons that are stored as
    • employees and are assignedto a work area of a measurement project via a link in the componentOrganizational Management (PA-OS)
      For employees, you can also display the attendance hours in the selectedtime period.


      • The required system settings must exist in Customizing for
      • Industrial Hygiene and Safety under SpecifyMeasurement Items.
        • In the selection period, valid links between the persons and the
        • relevant work areas must exist in the Organizational Management(PA-OS) component. The system checks this using the evaluation paths setin Customizing for Basic Data and Tools in the environmentparameters WA_PATHID andP_PATHID. In the standard system, thefollowing default evaluation paths are set:
          WA_PATHID: WA-S-P (work area -> positions -> persons)
          P_PATHID: P-WA-S (persons -> work area -> positions)
          When determining the attendance hours, the system evaluates the infotype2002 (attendances) from Time Management (PT). Theattendance hours are calculated to the exact day.

          On the selection screen you can restrict the search using the followingcriteria:

          • Person or work area

          • You must specify at least a person or a work area. Under Work Area
            you can also set the IncludeHigher-Level Work Area or IncludeLower-Level Work Area indicators.
            • Period (such as key date, month, or time interval)

            • You can enter time periods of up to 365 days in length.
              • Agent

              • Plan version

              • You can also set the following option for running the program:
                • Deactivate determination of time data
                • Features

                  For each person, a separate exposure log is displayed with informationon the following:

                  • Work area

                  • Agents in the work area

                  • Exposure amounts (values per
                  • measurement item)
                    The program displays the values for up to 20 determined measurementitems. If a number of values are available for a measurement item, itdisplays the value range.
                    If a person in a measurement project has the role oftest person, the values measured on theperson are also displayed in the exposure log.

                    You can toggle between the exposure logs for the persons.