Programme SAP REHS_IAREP_DATA_DETERMINE - EHS: Data Determination for Period-Based Accident Reports

This report program is used to determine the key figures AverageNumber of Employees and Total Number of Working Hours.It writes the results to the shadow table CCIHT_IAREP.

Selection parameters

  • Period for Calculation

  • You must specify a period for which the key figures are to bedetermined. The period is limited to one year. If you require data fora longer period, you must run the report several times accordingly.
    • Work Area

    • If the key figures are to be determined for a work area, you mustspecify a work area.
      • Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea

      • You can restrict the search using personnel areas or personnel subareas.If you do not specify any search criteria, the data is determined forall existing personnel areas and personnel subareas.
        Functional scope
        The report determines the time data for persons and totals it. It alsodetermines the average number of employees. You can choose betweentwo methods of determining the personal data and time data for persons:
        • Via work areas

        • If you use this determination method, the persons for whom the keyfigures are to be determined must be assigned to the relevant work areavia Organizational Management. The persons for the work area aredetermined from Organizational Management according to theevaluation path defined in the environment parameter WA_PATHID.See Specify Environment Parameters.
          The time data and the average number of employees are determined inthe user exit function moduleCBIH_IA18_UE_KEYFIGURES_DET. Thedata is totaled monthly and written to the shadow table CCIHT_IAREP.
          • Via personnel areas or personnel subareas

          • The persons are determined from the personnel areas and personnelsubareas specified in the selection criteria.
            The time data and the average number of employees are determined inthe user exit function moduleCBIH_IA18_UE_KEYFIGURES_DET. Thedata is totaled monthly and written to the shadow table CCIHT_IAREP.

            Restrict the search as much as possible because the data determinationis very performance-intensive. Execute the report program severaltimes with different search criteria if necessary. We recommend that youschedule the report program regularly as a background job. Execute thereport as soon as you are sure that the time data for a month iscomplete. If subsequent changes are made for a time interval, thereport can be executed again to update the data.

            One application example is the OSHA 300A report (Summary ofWork-Related Injuries and Illnesses), which is a legal requirement inthe United States according to the Occupational Safety andHealth Act (OSHA).
            Data elements CCIHE_EMPLAVER and CCIHE_SUMWTHOURS