Programme SAP REHS_GET_ACTIONS_FROM_PM - Return Completed Tasks and Notify

In Industrial Hygiene and Safety, you can createsafety measures andtransfer them to Maintenance Processing (PM processing) as tasksfor further processing. You need this report program to read the tasksback to Industrial Hygiene and Safety when they are completed.The report program should be run once a day. For more information abouttransferring safety measures to maintenance processing, see the SAPLibrary for the Industrial Hygiene and Safety (EHS-IHS) componentunder Integration in Plant Maintenance.

For you to be able to use the report, the following prerequisites mustbe fulfilled:

  • The destinations of the PM systems must have been entered in Customizing
  • for Basic Data and Tools as environment parameter values.
    • The safety measures must not be locked in EH&S if they are to be
    • updated.
      • The IHS notifications in PM must not be locked.

      • The user requires change authorization for IHS notifications.
      • Features
        The report determines allmaintenance notificationsin Plant Maintenance that originated in Industrial Hygieneand Safety and that have the status All tasks completed. Itreads the existing tasks for these notifications. The correspondingsafety measures in EH&S are also read.
        The report program then updates the safety measure data inIndustrial Hygiene and Safety with data from PlantMaintenance and sets the status of the updated safety measures toTask completed. The successfully processed notifications areclosed in PM.
        Tasks (safety measures) that were deleted on the Plant Maintenance sideare assigned the status Deleted by PM when they are read backinto EH&S.
        When the report program has been run, the person who created the IHSnotification receives a message in his or her office inbox withinformation on which safety measures were processed by the program.

654016Improving error handling of safety measures transfer from PM