Programme SAP REHS_ENABLE_FTXT_AUTHORITY_CHK - EHS: Activate Authorization Check for User-Defined Texts, Documents

Program to Activate and Deactivate the Authorization Check for theFunction User-Defined Texts, Documents in Work AreaManagement and Incident/Accident Management

You need this program to activate and deactivate the authorizationcheck.

SAP EH&S 2.7B with Support Package 02

In Industrial Hygiene and Safety you can assignuser-defined texts anddocuments from the documentmanagement system (DMS) to work areas and entries in theincident/accident log. With Support Package 02 for SAP EH&S 2.7B, thisfunction has been enhanced to include an additional authorizationcheck. The new authorization object C_EHSI_DOC isshipped with the system and allows you to define exact authorizations,for example, for changing and displaying.
So that customers who already work with SAP EH&S 2.7B and do not wantto use the authorization check do not have to generate newauthorization profiles,the authorization check is deactivated as the default.

If you activate the authorization check, you must also extend theauthorization profiles of the users accordingly. For more information,see Customizing for Industrial Hygiene and Safety underSpecify Authorizations.