Programme SAP REHS_ACTION_STATUS_REPORT - List Industrial Hygiene and Safety Measures

This report provides you with a list of industrial hygiene and safetymeasures. Depending on which parameters you specify in the selection,you can, for example, determine which safety measures are not yetcompleted. For further processing, you can download the list as aspreadsheet or for word processing, or send it as a message, forexample.
IF = 'X'.

The list displays the following information on the safety measuresdetermined:

  • Reference object

  • Object key of reference object for safety measure (such as work area
  • key)
    • Name of object

    • Safety measure key

    • Safety measure category

    • Safety measure type

    • Processing status

    • Priority

    • Planned start and end date

    • Planned start and end time

    • Name of person responsible

    • Description of safety measure

    • Costs

    • Effectiveness of safety measure

    • Protection goal

    • Change date/time

    • Name of processor

    • Check date/time

    • Name of person who did check

    • Validity

    • To call the detail view for a single safety measure, select theappropriate line and choose Select Detail...

      In the selection screen you can use the following parameters to restrictthe set of hits:

      • In the Safety Measure Data group box you determine which safety
      • measure types or safety measure categories you want to consider. Youcan also use other selection criteria, such as priority, costs,currency, or processing status of safety measure.
        • In the Additional Information for Safety Measure screen section,
        • you can limit the number of hits further. You can limit the search usingthe protection target, start and end date, date executed, date checked,person responsible, processor, person who checked, effectiveness andvalidity.
          • In the Display Safety Measures From... screen section you can for
          • which objects you want to generate the set of hits. If you do not enterany information here, all objects in the list are considered.

            The list displays the following information on the safety measuresdetermined:

            • Object key of reference object for safety measure (such as work area
            • key)
              • Safety measure type

              • Planned end date

              • Processing status

              • Name of person responsible

              • Description of safety measure

              • To call the detail view for a single safety measure, select theappropriate line and choose Select Detail...

                In the selection screen you can use the following parameters to restrictthe set of hits:

                • Planned End Date: Specifies which safety measures are to be taken
                • into account.
                  All safety measures are displayed for which a planned end date wasspecified that is less than or equal to the date you entered. Safetymeasures that have no planned end date are not taken into account.
                  • Status: Restricts the set of hits explicitly to a specific safety
                  • measure status.
                    Leave the field blank if you want to determine all safety measuresindependent of their status.
                    • In the Display Safety Measures From... screen section, you
                    • specify for which objects you want to create the set of hits. If you donot enter any information here, all objects in the list are considered.

441935Missing key display rep. Industrial Hygiene & Safety Measure