Programme SAP REHSH_X_SRV_SCH_TO_MPC - EHS: Upgrade ERP2005: Populate Med. Practice Calendar of Plng Cockpit

As of SAP ECC Enterprise Extension PLM 6.0 (EA-PLM 600), theplanning cockpit of the Occupational Health(EHS-HEA) componenthas a medical practice calendar in which you can edit the appointmentsof the medical service.
You can use report REHSH_X_SRV_SCH_TO_MPC after an upgrade to transferappointments from scheduling to the medical practice calendar of thestandard system.
The automatic calculation of proposed new appointments for healthsurveillance protocols and so on still works without the transfer.

Your legacy system contains appointments that you need for scheduleplanning in your new system, and you want to use the standard medicalpractice calendar.

This report transfers the appointments from table T7EHS00_SRV_SCH to theselected calendar.
You can start the report in test mode, so that no data is written to thedatabase.
You can run the report multiple times, in case errors occur, forexample.

You can restrict the number of appointments by using the selectionscreen.

Call the report to populate the medical practice calendar immediatelyafter an upgrade.
SAP recommends that you only transfer appointments that are reallynecessary to the medical practice calendar, which on the whole meansonly dates in the future.

858271Upgrading to EH&S in ERP 2005/ERP 6.0
966034Upgrade report for the medical practice calendar