Programme SAP REHSH_X_BASIC_DATA_UPDATE - EHS: Conversion of OH Basic Data

From the releases listed below, text tables and other dependent tablesfor objects in the Occupational Health (EHS-HEA) componentinclude a start date (BEGDA) and an end date (ENDDA). ENDDA is a keyfield.
With this report program you can fill the fields BEGDA and ENDDA in thetables in which they were added across all clients for any existinglegacy data. The fields were added in the following tables:

  • T7EHS00_EXAMLAB (Assignments of Examination to Lab. Tests)

  • T7EHS00_EXAMPHY (Assignments of Examination to Physical Tests)

  • T7EHS00_EXAMT (Examinations)

  • T7EHS00_LABTEST (Tests for Laboratory Examinations)

  • T7EHS00_LABTESTT (Possible Tests for Laboratory Examinations)

  • T7EHS00_PHYTEST (Tests for Physical Examinations)

  • T7EHS00_PHYTESTT (Possible Tests for Physical Examinations)

  • T7EHS00_PREGANA (Table for Comment Field:
  • Protocol_Regulation-analysis_text)
    • T7EHS00_PREGDES (Table for Comment Field:
    • Protocol_Regulation-description)
      • T7EHS00_PREGFOL (Table for Comment Field:
      • Protocol_Regulation-follow_up)
        • T7EHS00_PREGPRO (Table for Comment Field:
        • Protocol_Regulation-procedure_text)
          • T7EHS00_PROTMEM (Table for Comment Field: Protocol Description)

          • T7EHS00_PROTT (Protocol Text Table)

          • In addition, you can also use this report program to fill the newPROT_RPRAT_UNIT (Base unit of measure) field in the tableT7EHS00_PROTFREQ (Frequency of Protocol) with the unit "month"across all clients.
            You must run the report program for the following releases:
            • If you install a Support Package for Release 2.7B of the component
            • Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) with which the reportprogram was delivered
              • If you install a Support Package for the component Environment,
              • Health and Safety (EHS) in SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 1.10
                with which the report program was delivered
                • If you upgrade to Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) in SAP
                • R/3 Enterprise PLM Extension 2.00.

                  The fields listed above are filled across all clients, that is, forall clients of the system on which the report program is run.
                  For the fields BEGDA and ENDDA, only those data records are taken intoaccount whose end date is initial (that is, "00000000").
                  ENDDA and BEGDA are filled with the end date or start date of theappropriate source or assignment object. If there are a number of sourceobjects (for example, owing to delimiting), new dependent objects arecreated and the data is copied. In this way, these dependent objects arealso delimited.
                  The PROT_RPRAT_UNIT field in the table T7EHS00_PROTFREQ is filled with"MON" (month) if it is empty.
                  The report program can be run more than once, for example, if errorsoccurred.

                  If you switch to one of the releases listed above, you must convert yourexisting data with this report program before you call thetransactions in the Occupational Health (EHS-HEA) component forthe first time.

                  If the ENDDA field in the text table for examinations T7EHS00_EXAMT isinitial for a data record at the time the report program is called, thereport program fills the ENDDA and BEGDA fields with the values thatexist for the respective data record in the source table T7EHS00_EXAM.
                  In the same way, ENDDA and BEGDA in the table T7EHS00_EXAMLAB would befilled with the values from the table T7EHS00_EXAM, and so on.

636841Conversion of OH basic data due to new table fields