Programme SAP REGWDR01 - Create work orders/notifications for device replacement

Create work orders/notifications

This report selects either devices from the periodic replacement listor sample devices or spare sample devices for sample lots and createswork orders or notificastions for theses devices. You use this reportwhen you create replacement orders or notifications for periodicreplacement devices or (spare) sample devices.
You need this report in order to create replacement orders ornotifications for periodic replacement devices or (spare) sampledevices. You also need this report in order to create work orders ornotifications for uninstalled sample devices from sample lots. Suchorders or notifications are used for finding and checking uninstalleddevices. You have the option of grouping all sample devices of astorage location into one order or notification.

This report uses the functions for order and notification creation fromthe Work Management (IS-U-WM) component.

Before you execute this report, you must define control parameters fororders and notifications in CustomizingDefine Control Parameters forOrders/Notifications. To create orders or notifications for periodicreplacement devices, you must first create a periodic replacement list.Before you create orders and notifications for sample devices or sparesample devices, you must maintain the relevant lot and determine sampledevices.

The order and notification numbers generated are saved for the devicesin the periodic replacement list or for sample devices in the sampledevice list.

1234331IS-U localization TR: EG88 and EG90 corrections