Programme SAP REE_DATEX_TASKS_GENERATE - Generate Data Exchange Tasks


Generate Data Exchange Tasks

You use this report to generate data exchange tasks that you want toschedule cyclically.


The following DATEX definitions are selected via the generation report:

  • Those that lie within the specified areas of DATEX process, third party
  • service provider, or own service provider.
    • Those that are valid today

    • The following applies for all selected DATEX definitions:
      The relevant points of delivery for the definition are determined fromthe data environment (based on process/process parameter) and the pointof delivery services.
      DATEX process EXPPROF01 (Export of measured load shapes to supplier)has a process parameter, profile allocation role, with theparameter value 0001 (measured consumption).
      The DATEX definition concerns the following service providers:
      Own service provider GRID1 - grid usage electricity
      Third party service provider SUPP1 - supply electricity
      All points of delivery that have a valid profile allocation with role0001 are determined, as well as the point of delivery servicesfrom the DATEX definition (GRID1 and SUPP1).
      The due dates are determined from the DATEX definition (until thegeneration date).
      A data exchange task with status scheduled is created for everydue date.

      When you start the report you can restrict the selection amount byentering the following values or value ranges:

      • Data exchange process

      • Third party service provider

        • Own service provider

        • In addition, you can use the generation date to determine bywhen the data exchange task should be generated.

924885Incorrect generation date for data exchange tasks