Programme SAP REE_DATEX_DEF_PRORATE_ESA - Adjust Time Slices for Data Exchange Tasks

You use this program to convert the previous IDoc-based communicationfor data exchange processes to service-based communication (eSOA) on thespecified proration date.

The following prerequisites must be met before you can use this program:

  • Consistent data exchange definitions must exist

  • All data exchange basic processes for which you want service-based
  • communication to be enabled must be flagged accordingly in Customizing:
    Customizing for SAP Utilities -> Tools -> System Modifications ->User-Defined Enhancements for IDE -> Define Data Exchange Basic Processf. Service-Oriented Communication (eSOA)
    • You have to enter an Activation Date for eSOA Processing in
    • Customizing for all data exchange processes, for which you wantcommunication to be service-based:
      Customizing for SAP Utilities under Intercompany DataExchange -> Data Exchange Processes -> DefineDate Exchange Processes
      • The specified proration date is > = the eSOA activation date specified
      • in Customizing
        • No data exchange tasks must exist with a due date after the specified
        • proration date

          You can start the program in test mode or in production mode.

          You must enter at least one data exchange process and a proration date.


          If you have started the program in test mode, the system displays an ALVlist of all data exchange definitions that can be prorated on thespecified proration date. You also have other analysis and evaluationoptions.
          If you start the program in production mode, an application log isgenerated, which you can evaluate using transaction SLG1. Theapplication log displays which entries have been selected, which havebeen changed, and which are incorrect.

          You have prorated data exchange process DEXPROC (valid January 15, 2007to December 31, 2010) on June 10, 2007:
          1) DEXPROC valid January 15, 2007 to December 31, 2010
          1) DEXPROC valid January 15, 2007 to October 5, 2007
          2) DEXPROC valid October 6, 2007 to December 3, 2010