Programme SAP REEDM_ROLLBACK_ARCHIVING - Reset EDM Profile Values for Archiving Run

Resetting an Archive Run for EDM Profile Values

If an archiving session for EDM profile values is terminated with ashort dump, you cannot access the last generated archive file,because it was not included in archive management. As a result, youcannot delete the data saved in the archive file from the database.Therefore you must rearchive this data in a new archiving session. Thisis not possible because the profile status for this period was alreadyset to Archived.

Note that to start the report the following conditions must befulfilled:
An archiving session for EDM profile values must be terminated with ashort dump.
A 'dummy' archive file exists in your file system used for archiving.
For all archiving sessions belonging to the archiving object (ISU_PROFV==> EDM-Profilwerte), the corresponding delete job has already beenexecuted. This means that no archiving data exists with data not yetdeleted from the database.
Use transaction SARA to check this in the menu option Verwaltung
. If you establish that archiving sessions still exist, for which nodelete job has been started, you must execute these next.
You may not start report REEDM_ROLLBACK_ARCHIVING as long as incompletearchiving sessions exist for archiving object ISU_PROFV.
If you do want to start the report despite incomplete archivingsessions, this means that correctly archived data is also archivedagain. This has negative affects on the archive information system.
To change data directly in the database using this report, you mustnote the above mentioned prerequisites
