Programme SAP REEDMUISETTLUNITGENERATE - Generation of Settlement Units

Generation of Settlement Units

You use this report to generate settlement units
During generation, the system checks the allocation of allpoints of delivery to a settlement unit and, ifnecessary, updates them.This allocation is based on the services allocated to the point ofdelivery.


You can use the report to check whether settlement units must begenerated or not. To do this, choose Verify Necessity of Generation
Settlement units are generated when you deselect this field.
The following selection parameters exist:

  • Verify Necessity of Generation

  • If you select this field, the system checks whether it is necessary togenerate settlement units. The control parameters for settlement haveno further effect for the check.
    • Generate

    • If you want to generate the settlement units you must select thisfield. You can then use the other parameters to determine additionalgeneration characteristics.
      • Always Generate

      • If you select this field, the settlement units are generated even ifthe system deems generation unnecessary.
        Generate Settlement Units Despite Errors
        If you select this field, the settlement units are marked assuccessfully generated even if errors occured during generation.The settlement units can only be settled if they are marked asbeing successfully generated.
        The settlement units are only marked as successfully generated ifthe maximum number of errors is not exceeded.
        • Maximum Number of Errors

        • This field specifies the maximum number of errors that can occur beforeprocessing is terminated.