Programme SAP REEABP_EURO - Adjust Budget Billing Plans to Changed Transaction Currency

Adjust Budget Billing plans to Changed Transaction Currency

You adjust budget billing plans to a changed transaction currency, ifthe transaction currency in the contract account has been changed, orif the transaction currency has been changed for all customers.

An application log is created when you adjust the budget billing plans.You can display the first created log after the adjustment.
To display the logs later, proceed as follows:
Call up the application log.
Enter IU25 as the object.

A budget billing plan to be adjusted is prorated on the change date.New budget billing plans are created in the new currency, for theperiod after the change. This means that all due dates are identicallycopied. The due date amounts are converted to the target currency.
Due amounts are no longer changed over to the target currency if they:

  • Are already or partially paid

  • Are in an installment plan

  • Are in a collective bill

  • Have been charged interest

  • Have been dunned

  • Have already been requested for a partial bill
  • Selection
    You must start the report with one of the main selection parameters(budget billing plan, business partner, contract account, meter readingunit or portion).

    • If you select the Changeover Acc. to TFK042C field, the currency
    • parameters are not important.
      In this case, the target currency and the changeover date aredetermined by the main company code and the base currency during therun, from table TFK042C .
      This option is mainly used if the transaction currency is changed overfor all customers.
      • If the Changeover Acc. to Currency Parameters field is selected,
      • you must enter the currency parameters. The budget billing plan ischanged over, based on these parameters.
        An existing entry in the TFK042C is ignored.
        This option is mainly used for the conversion of individual budgetbilling plans, for example, if a customer already wants to pay for hisbills in euros.

        All prorated budget billing plans, and associated newly created budgetbilling plans are recorded in the application log.

436981Transaction & local currency changeover in invoicing
429005BBP: Active due date not converted to EURO