Programme SAP REDR_CHK_EXECUTE - Deregulation: Check Framework for Grid Usage Processing

With the check framework for grid usage processing, you can check theconsistency of the Bill Issue/Incoming Payment or
Bill Receipt/Outgoing Payment processes.

The check framework for grid usage processing is a stand-alone tool foranalyzing data in deregulated scenarios.
You start the check framework with the ABAP Editor (ReportREDR_CHK_EXECUTE).

In the Variants for Data Consistency Check view cluster(VC_EDR_CHKVAR), depending on the check variant category, you can definecustomer-specific check variants in the name spaces Y* andZ* in addition to the check variants predefined by SAP.
The following check variant categories exist:

  • 1: Bill Issue and Incoming Payment

  • 2: Bill Receipt and Outgoing Payment

  • For each check variant, you can define subvariants, which enable you toprocess a group of related checks for an object.
    You can create a dialog text for a check variant that describes thecheck variant and contains notes for the user about how to proceed withdata inconsistencies discovered when executing the check variant. Youcan then enter the name of this dialog text in the Variants for DataConsistency Check view cluster at check variant level.
    If a dialog text is specified in the view cluster for a check variant,an info pushbutton Information on Check Variants appears in thecheck framework once you have selected this check variant. The user canuse this pushbutton to branch to the check variant description that youcreated as a dialog text.
    You can only execute check variants that are defined in the viewcluster.
    Only authorized users can execute the check variants (authorizationobject IDE Check Framework Tool for Deregulation).
    In an integrated system, the authorization object makes sure that anagent only has access to the distributor's data, or only has access tothe supplier's data.

    The selection screen of the check framework for grid usage processing isdivided into the Check Variant and SelectionCriteria tab pages.
    You can only execute the check variant (in dialog or in the background)once you have filled the required entry fields on the Check Variant
    tab page and switched to the Selection Criteria tab page.
    Since a higher volume of data is involved in deregulated scenarios, werecommend that you execute the check variant in the background.
    If you execute the check variant in the background from the ABAP Editor,and you want to assign a job name to each check variant, you can defineBAdI JOB_NAME_SELF for this purpose (see the Example
    If you use the Define Job transaction to execute the checkvariant, you do not need to define the BAdI as you can enter the jobnames yourself.


    Tab page Check Variant
    In the Selection of Check Variant group frame, select thecheck variant category and the check variant that you want to execute.Once you have confirmed your selection, an additional pushbuttonInformation on Check Variant is provided, which you can use toget additional information about the selected check variant.
    In the Block Size for Selection group frame, you candefine the block size for the selection of data (system-dependent).Particularly in the case of large volumes of data, discuss the blocksize with your system administrator so you can positively influence theperformance. The default value for the block size in 1000.

    Tab page Selection Criteria
    On the Selection Criteria tab page, the system displaysthe selection screen for the selected check variant.

    The program provides the standard function for managing report variants.

    As a rule the data is output in an SAP list viewer. The list isinteractive, so you can navigate to objects from the list.
    However, this displayed data is not part of the framework, which meansthat, depending on the check variant, the data can be displayeddifferently.

    Contact you system administrator to assign the necessary authorizations.


    BAdI Implementation for JOB_NAME_SELF
    Start transaction SE19 - BAdI Builder: Implementations
    In the Create Implementation group frame, choose Classic BAdI and enter the BAdI name JOB_NAME_SELF
    Choose the Create Impl. pushbutton to create animplementation in the customer namespace.
    Enter an implementation name and a short text and switch to the
    Interface tab page.
    Double click on method JOB_NAME.
    Implement coding that determines a job name based on the programparameter, and returns it in the jobname parameter.
    To allow check variant data to be included in the job names, you can usean import statement from the memory EDRCHKVARJOB to import thedata into local variables. To do this, define local variables for theprogram, chktyp, and chkvar parameters of theimport statement.
    Save and activate the change.
    Activate the customer-specific implementation.