Programme SAP REDISND1 - Generate Electronic Bill(s)

Generate Electronic Bills

You use this report to trigger the generation of bills to the serviceprovider that invoices the contract. This is necessary in deregulatedmarkets for the exchange of bill information between distributor andsupplier.
By data modeling or by making the appropriate Customizing settings youcan determine, which invoicing documents or other FI-CA documents arerelevant for posting. A secondary table (Transfer Records for BillIssuing by Third Party ; DFKKTHI) is created for these documents andis the basis for this report.
Documents are always sent on the basis of an invoicing document - FI-CAdocuments alone do not trigger sending.
The report either triggers the generation of an IDoc or the formattingof the print document for printing as long as the parameter has a valueof 1 or 4. If the print parameter is also active, the document with theformula specified in the service provider agreement is formatted forprinting.
If the bill creation parameter has a different value, only the status inthe secondary table is modified for the documents in order to enableaggregated posting to the contract account of the service provider thatinvoices the contract.
If the service provider agreement is not active, the report triggers thecreation of IDocs.
An IDoc is created for each billing document - if you select aninvoicing document that contains 3 billing documents that are relevantto to sending, 3 IDocs are created.
Reversed documents are also included in the secondary table and are alsoselected by the report.
If you have a large number of billing documents, you can run the reportin parallel. You do this in the menu for the Utilities Industryunder Intercompany Data Exchange -> Electronic Bill -> MassActivity: Generate Electronic Bill.
You can select the documents for processing also using the IDEcross-reference number. It is a key for the external identification ofthe bills exchanged in the data communication process. If the #DetermineNew Cross-Reference Number# indicator is set in the defaults forcreating aggregated bills in Customizing, a separate cross-referencenumber is determined for the reversal of a bill. When this reversalcross-reference is entered, the relevant reversal document is sent orprinted. You can use the BAdI BAdI ISU_IDE_CROSS_REF_NO to influence thedetermination of the IDE cross-reference number customer-specifically.
It is also possible to resend the bills and/or print the billingdocuments. For repeat processing, the #Actual Date Transfer# field mustcontain the date of initial processing. You can determine the date ofinitial processing using the transaction ETHI_DIS.

The report supports the old communication control using events as wellas the data exchange processes.
Before the IDocs can be generated and sent, you must have made all thenecessary settings in communication control and in the data exchangeprocesses.


Schedule the report.
When using the data exchange processes, define the actual time ofsending in Customizing. The time of the report run is then independentof the time of sending (as long as you selected Send Immediatelyin Customizing). The report should run at least once a day so thatsending can take place as soon as possible.
When using Communication Control with events, the report generates theIDocs directly. If you have different sending times for differentreceivers you have to create the appropriate selection variants andschedule them for the correct times.

1235104IDE: Too many entries in table ERDB with document type Q
1176713REDISND1/MEER: Termination with error E9 200 (ERDK)
1062668DATEXPRN: E9 200 - "No ERDK found for XXXXXXXX XXX"
1021555Downgrade ERP2005 SP9 - Data Exchange/Printing of Bills
1068336REDISND1: EDEREG_INV 708: "Cannot find original document"