Programme SAP REDEREG_ETRANSF_REV - Reversal of Aggregated Posting of Incoming Bills

This report allows you to reverse the aggregated posting of incomingbills.
This report also removes the reference in the corresponding data recordsof the transfer table for bill data and resets the status of the datarecords so that aggregation can take place again.
To enable better tracking of the original status of the aggregation(that is, the status before reversal), the original referenced lines foraggregated posting are stored in a separate table. The historical datais then available for evaluation.

You can use the Display Transfer Datatransaction or the Display Account Balancetransaction to display the historical data.

You can only reverse the aggregated posting document in the standardmethod if it has never been cleared. Only then can the system assumethat no payment advice note has been created.
You need special authorization to reverse the aggregated posting ofincoming bills. Additional authorization allows you to reverse theaggregated posting without using check rules.

Processing Functions with Authorization Protection
033,,Reverse aggregated posting of incoming bills with check rules
034,,Reverse aggregated posting of incoming bills without check rules
For more information, see the field help for fieldProcessing Function Key.

Note to System Administrator
We recommend that you only assign the processing function withauthorization protection for key 034 to selected users.These users also have to have the processing function with authorizationprotection for key 033.

For test purposes, you can reverse the aggregated posting of incomingbills in simulation mode. Even in simulation mode, the log informs youof possible errors or problems that could occur during reversal.


Further Details
In the Further Details group frame, you can define whetheror not to use check rules for the reversal: Do NotUse Check Rules.

The standard variant is the reversal method withcheck rules.

Output is via the application log.

1501484REDEREG_ETRANSF_REV: Error in reading table DFKKOP; E9 014