Programme SAP RECVBP_MKLANG - Generates a language version for a HTML customer info configuration

You use this program to generate a sigle language version of a customerinformation configuration. This substantially improves performance. TheSAP standard configurations are all multi-lingual. In this way, forexample, the fields texts used in the HTML pages are read from the dataelements of the data dictionary during runtime. This applies to all place holders. If text elements from the text pool are used( place holders), then they are replaced during runtime.
You often do not need and multi-lingual configuration. If this is thecase then you can use this program to generate a mono-lingual versionwith improved performance. The program reads all the HTML templatesreferenced in the configuration and replaces all the and with the corresponding values from the data elements ortext elements. These modified HTML templates are then stored in theweb repository under a new name. The name is composed of theindividiual name together with a suffix that denotes the languages(such as _E for English). In addition, the parameter that indicates thenamespace is specified as the prefix of the name.
In addition to this, a new configuration is created, whose name is alsocomposed of the original name and the prefix. All configurationreferences to HTML templates are adjusted accordingly. The logonlanguage automatically determines the language of the configuration.
Note that HTML templates are client-independent objects, whereasCustomizing entries are client-dependent. For this reason they are tobe fopund in different orders.

If you want to generate a mono-lingual version of the multi-lingualconfiguration STD1, enter the following data: Wenn Sie aus dermultilingualen Standardkonfiguration STD1 eine monolinguale generierenwollen, machen sie folgende Eingaben (logon language is English):

  • Source configuration STD1

  • Target configuration STD_E

  • Name space Y

  • The program generates a new program with the name YSTD_E. Newversions of the all the HTML templates that refer from STD1 aregenerated. For example, the template YSPART_START_E is generatedfrom SPART_START.