This report is known as "Comprovante Anual de Retenção de IRPJ, CSLL,COFINS e PIS/PASEP". The layout of this report is not regulated but theamounts have to be informed to the Federal Government at the yearlyclosing.
The withheld amount of all customers is deducted of the amount thecompany has to pay to the government related to its income tax.
The utility company receives certificates from the customers that haddiscounts of withholding taxes on their invoices, atesting that theutility company really withheld the amounts.
The withholding taxes can be posted to the same GL account but at theend of the year they have to be in different accounts, because thecompany needs to report them separately on its balance sheet.
The discount of withholding taxes is done over invoices of customers ofFederal Public Sector.
All IS-U Notas Fiscais with discount of withholding taxes have to bereported in the Discounted IRPJ by customer report.
The IS-U Notas fiscais are reported based on the invoice payment date(data de pagamento). (At the invoice creation, the tax rate calculationis based on the due date of the invoice).

Maintainance of the following parameters in Selection Screen :
Company Code (DFKKQSR-BUKRS) - parameter obligatory
Withholding Tax Code (T059Q-QSSKZ) - select option
Posting Date (Month/Year) (DFKKQSR-BUDAT) - select option (Initialand Ending dates)
Business Partner (DFKKQSR-GPART) - select option
Contract Account (DFKKQSR-VKONT) - select option
-------> Tax sumarization
When there are several different withholding Tax Code and the check box"Tax Summarization" is checked, the program summarizes all Tax Codesbefore printing the report, otherwise it prints them separately. If theuser selects just some of the withholding tax codes, the program issuesa warning message "Some records may not be selected due to userscriteria".

Description of the fields printed on report ------>
Field 01 - Calendar Year - Year informed in selection Screen (Low orHigh dates)
Field 02 - Company Name - Company Code (Table T001- BUTXT key Co.Codeinformed in Selection Screen)
Field 03 - Date From - Initial Date Informed in Selection ScreenPosting Date
Field 04 - To - Ending Date Informed in parameter Posting Date
Field 05 - Report Date - Report Execution Date
Field 06 - UC.N - Contract Account Number
Field 07 - Tax id description . Ex: CNPJ - tax ID for company -> Justprint CNPJ
Field 08 - Tax id Number
Field 09 - Customer Name
Field 10 - Month - Long text of the month from field BUDAT
Field 11 - Invoiced Amount - Base Amount for Tax calculation of thecorresponding month
Field 12 - Withheld Amount of the corresponding month
Field 13 - Contract Account total of Base Amount for Tax calculation
Field 14 - Contract Account total of Withheld Amount
Field 15 - Tax Code - Withholding Tax Code (Should be printed only whenthe check box for sumarizing withholding tax defined in selectionscreen is null.)
Field 16 - Withholding Tax Description

In order to allow this report to access data efficiently, the followingdatabase index for table DFKKQSR should be created:

  • Company Code, Business Partner, Contract Account, Withholding Tax Code,
  • Posting Date: