This report is the second step to archiving premises. It deletespremises, based on the archive created previously.
The archiving object for archiving premises is ISU_EVBS.
Use the AOBJ transaction to find the definition of the archivingobject and the corresponding Customizing.
Use the SARA transaction to find the archive administration andthe corresponding Customizing.
Use the SARI transaction to find the technical view for archivedprofile values.

Premise archiving includes the following reports:
1. Archiving Report
All specified premises are analyzed to see whether they can be archived.Those premises that can be archived are archived.
Using the ISU_EVBS_ARCHIVE BAdI you can define additional checks forwhether premises can be archived.
2. Deletion Report
Premises written in the archive file are deleted from the correspondingdatabase tables.
3. Evaluation Report
This report displays archived premises.

The deletion report reads previously archived premises from the archivefor an archiving run. It then deletes the corresponding entries from thedatabase tables.

You can define various settings on the initial screen when starting thereport:

  • Test run: If you start the report as a test run, then no changes are
  • made in the database
    • Update run: Changes are made in the database

    • Detail log: Activates a log with detailed data oneach analyzed data
    • record (can become complex in cases of large data quantities)