This report is the first step in the archiving of premises. Itincorporates:

  • The analysis of premises with regard to a possible archiving

  • The writing of premises in an archive file, based on the analysis
  • performed in the first step.
    The archiving object incorporates premise data from the followingtables:
    • EVEBS:,,Table for premises

    • The archiving object for archiving premises is ISU_EVBS.
      Use transaction AOBJ to find the definition of the archivingobject and the respective Customizing.
      Use transaction SARA to find the archive administration and therespective Customizing.
      Use transaction SARI to find the technical view for the archivedprofile values.

      Premise archiving incorporates the following reports:
      1. Archiving report
      All specified premises are analyzed with regard to a possible archiving.Contracts that can be archived are archived.
      You can use the BAdI ISU_EVBS_ARCHIVE to define further checks todetermine whether or not premises can be archived.
      2. Deletion report
      The premises written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database tables.
      3. Evaluation report
      Archived premises are displayed.

      The following premises are selected with the archiving report:

      • Those within the specified premise number range

      • Those, for which the deletion flag is set.

      • You can use the BAdI ISU_EVBS_ARCHIVE in a subsequent analysis processto define additional checks on whether premises can be archived. Forfurther information see the BAdI documentation.

        You can make various settings on the initial screen when starting thereport:

        • Premise number: Restriction of data quantity to be analyzed to
        • certain premises
          • Test run: When you start the report as a test run, no changes are
          • made in the database
            • Productive run: Changes are made in the database

            • Detail log: Activate log with detailed data for each analyzed data
            • record (can cease to be an overview for large data quantities)
              • Comment for archive run: You can enter a comment for an archive run
              • here