Programme SAP REA_SIMINDICES_MONITOR - Monitor for Mass Simulation

Monitoring Mass Simulation

Use this report to monitor mass simulation. You can select, display andindividually process mass simulation indexes.

You use this report after or during processing of mass indexes alongwith report DS:RE.REA_SIMINDICES_BILL>REA_SIMINDICES_BILL.


Entry of a simulation period ID is mandatory. Theother selection criteria are optional.

The report displays a list of the selected mass simulation indexes. Itis sorted according to the status of the simulationindexes.

The following functions for the selected simulation indexes areavailable as pushbuttons:

This function is only permissible for indexes that have not yet beenbilled. This function is only offered if the simulationperiod ID has status
bill mass simulation indexes.
Use this function to bill an individual simulation index. If billingtakes place without errors, the index has the status billed oris deleted.
If an error occurs, the error log is displayed. The index has statuserror during processing. You can check the data environment ofthe installation, and if necessary correct it and rebill.
If the simulated billing document is outsorted, the outsortinginformation is displayed. You can release the simulated document. Thedocument data is transferred to the statistics. The index has thestatus billed or is deleted. If you do not release the document,the index has status outsorted. You can then check the dataenvironment of the installation, and if necessary correct it andrebill.

This function is only permissible for indexes that have not yet beenbilled. You use this function to bill individual simulation indexes. Ifthe billing takes place without errors, the data for the simulationdocument is displayed. The data is not transferred to thestatistics. The simulation document is not saved.
If an error occurs, the error log is displayed. If the simulateddocument is outsorted, the outsorting information is displayed.However, you cannot release the simulation document.
The status of the index does not change.

This function is only offered for indexes with status billed. Itis only offered if the Save Simulation Documentfield is selected for the simulation type belonging to the simulationperiod for identification. The function is only offered if thesimulation period ID has status
Bill Mass Simulation Indexes.
If you reverse a billed index, the simulation document belonging to theindex is read and transferred negatively to the statistics. The indexhas status newly created.

Display document
This function is only possible for indexes with status billed.It is only offered if the Save Simulation Document
field is selected for the simulation type belonging to thesimulation period for identification. Use the Simulate functionto regenerate and display the simulation document.
The simulation document belonging to the index is read and displayed.

Bill and display individual items
This function is only permissible for indexes that have not beenbilled. It is only offered if you select the Update toCO-PA field in the simulation type and do not select theDo not Post Indiv. Items field.
The function has the same affect as the Bill pushbutton. Afterthe simulation index has been billed, a selection screen appears whereyou can either view the simulation document or the associatedindividual CO-PA items. Use this comparison option in the test phase,to check the update of data to CO-PA.

Display sales statistics (UIS)
This function is only offered if you select the UISUpdate field in the simulation type. The function calls up thestandard analysis for sales statistics. The information structure,version and analysis period are automatically transferred from thesimulation type or the simulation period.

Billing view of the installation
This function displays the billing-relevant data for the installationbelonging to the index.

You use this function to reread simulation indexes from the database,and if necessary to resort and redisplay them.

Use this report to select incorrect and outsorted indexes after masssimulation. Do not recalculate the indexes that are uncompletelyprocessed. See the log if errors occur, and see the outsortinginformation for outsorted documents. Remove the errors from the dataenvironment and recalculate the indexes.