Programme SAP REA_SIMINDICES_CREATE - Create Simulation Indexes for Mass Simulation

Create Indexes for Mass Simulation

This report selects all installations for the specified selectionparameters. It generates a mass simulation index for each installationusing the installation key and the specified ID. The indexes havestatus 01 Newly Created

The creation of simulation indexes is a prerequisite for masssimulation with report REA_SIMINDICES_BILL
. You must create indexes using this report, before mass simulationis possible.
You can start the report more than once if necessary, with differentinstallation intervals, for example. If the report is canceled duringcreation of indexes for an installation interval, you can restart itfor the same interval. Existing indexes are not duplicated.
After you have started this report, you can prepare, bill and invoicecontracts. This does not affect the quality of mass simulation becausewhen you simulate a contract, the billing period is alwaysredetermined. All billing documents must be completely processed. Youdo not have to necessarily run the report before you start masssimulation.
You must not execute any further new installations after you havestarted the report, if possible, as any new installations are notrecorded by mass simulation. If this is unavoidable you must call upthe report again using the keys of the new installations.

You can only create indexes for an ID that hasstatus 0.


Entry of an ID is mandatory. The other selection criteria are optional.If you create mass simulation indexes for unbilled revenue reporting,you should not use the other selection criteria. Unbilled revenuereporting is only correct with the individual procedure, if allinstallations are extrapolated. Here are some examples of exceptions:

  • You have installations from a division where unbilled revenue reporting
  • is not required (cable TV division, for example).
    • You have billing classes for which you guarantee that all installations
    • are billed on the balance sheet key date.
      • You do not want to perform unbilled revenue reporting, but rather want
      • to simulate the installations of one meter reading unit. The IDspecifies the start of the simulation period andthe end of the simulation period. The system onlyselects installations within this period. For runtime reasons, thesystem does not check whether a contract is to be simulated in thisperiod for the installation. Indexes without contracts to be simulated,are later set to status billed or are deleted. Important: Theruntime of the report can be restricted using the selection parametersinstallation and meter reading unit. If, on the other hand, you onlyenter the selection parameters division, billing class, rate categoryor industry, then all installations must be internally selected fortechnical reasons.

        You can monitor the number of existing simulation indexes using reportREA_SIMINDICES_COUNT.

        If you create indexes in error, you can delete them using reportREA_SIMINDICES_DELETE.