Programme SAP REA_RTRANS_DOWNLOAD - Selective Rate Transport - Download

In the selection screen, you determine which billing master data can betransported.
Billing master data can only be transported if it is complete forbilling. Each transport can be executed from the following objects:

  • Rate categories

  • Schemas

  • Rates

  • Division

  • The master data to be transported is grouped according to differentselection criteria:
    • From the rate category:

    • If you choose the rate category, division or billing class as theselection criterion, the system transports the selected rate categoriesand all the corresponding subobjects (schemas, rates, operands, ratecategory facts and rate facts).
      • From the schema:

      • If you choose the schema, division or billing class as the selectioncriterion, the system transports the selected schemas and all thecorresponding subobjects (rates, operands and rate facts).
        • From the rate:

        • If you choose the rate, division or billing class as the selectioncriterion, the system transports the selected rates and all thecorresponding subobjects (operands and rate facts).
          If a selected rate is being used by a schema that also contains otherrates, all schemas and the corresponding rates are transported as well.
          • From division:

          • If you choose the division as the selection criterion, the systemtransports all rate categories, schemas and rates that belong to thisdivision (and possibly the billing class) as well as the accompanyingsubobjects (operands, rate category facts and rate facts).
            Transporting prices and discounts is optional. Prices and discounts canbe transported with the division transport although they are not yetused in the rate category facts or the rate facts.
            In the transport from the division, you can use the Delete Before Updatefield. If you select this field, the corresponding data in the targetsystem is deleted before the update takes place. This field is alwaysselected as default.
            Once you have selected the data to be transported, a consistency checkis triggered. You can only execute the download if all initial objectsand subobjects are consistent.

            You cannot execute the transport from the following objects:
            Price adjustment clauses
            Discounts and surcharges