Programme SAP REA_DEXTAS_DELETE - Delete Archived Data Exchange Task


Delete Data Exchange Tasks

This report is the second step in the archiving of the data exchangetasks. It deletes the data exchange tasks, based on the archive createdin the first step.
The archiving object for the data exchange task is ISU_DEXTAS.
Use transaction AOBJ to find the definition of the archiving object andthe corresponding Customizing settings.
Use transaction SARA to find the archive administration and thecorresponding Customizing settings.
Use transaction SARI to find the technical view for the archived dataexchange tasks.

The archiving of the data exchange tasks incorporates the followingreports:
Archiving report
The system analyzes the data exchange tasks. Those documents that can bearchived are written to the archive file.
You can use the ISU_DEXTAS_ARCHIVE BAdI to define additional checks forarchiving data exchange tasks.
Deletion report
Contracts in the archive file are deleted from the correspondingdatabase tables.

The deletion report reads the data exchange tasks that were archivedduring the previous archiving run and deletes the corresponding entriesfrom the database tables.

You can make the following settings when you start the report:

  • Test mode: No changes are made in the database if you start the report
  • in a test mode
    • Production mode: Changes are made in the database

    • Detail log: Write detailed information to the log for each analyzed data
    • record. On the report selection screen, the user can choose to hide thisinformation in the report by selecting No Detail Log, or see onlyerror messages by selecting Without Success Message, if desired.
      • Log output: Controls the way information appears on the screen