Programme SAP REA_CHECK_SOLUTIONS - Solutions: Check Solution Paths

Solutions not allocated to solution paths

Enter a single solution in the field check special solutionpath, or select the field check all solutions.
The system then checks that:

  • A solution, or every solution is allocated to a solution path

  • A function module exists in the modules for solutions table for
  • every solution path that is flagged as a general correction inthe field execute permiss in the solution paths table. Thefunction module must be flagged as extract based and forautomatic correction. Solutions with an inactive solutionpath are displayed in yellow. Solutions that have not beenallocated to a solution path are displayed in red.
    This check is useful, as it ensures the consistency of the BRECustomizing when new solution paths are being created. The BRE can onlyuse solutions that have a complete solution path.

    Note that the term solution refers to the technical descriptionof the correction module. See tables solutions and modulesfor solutions.
    The term solution forms the connection between the error cause and thesolution to be used. See table solution paths
