Programme SAP REA_BILLP_P201_01_CLOSE - BRE: Update Obselete Backlog Entries

BRE: Updating Obsolete Backlog Entries in INSTSET

The report REA_BILLP_P201_01_CLOSE (transaction FLEXFIN
) updates obsolete backlog entries in the extract table Out of date entries can be caused by:

  • BRE user errors: After manual repairs have been made, the agent forgets
  • to document his or her work using transaction MSINA .
    • Interaction of competing billing runs ( EA38 or
    • EAMABI ): Installations are successfully billed usingtransaction EA38 or EAMABI before the periodic clean-up runs arecompleted in the BRE (using BREE and so on).
      Obsolete entries are not a big problem since periodic clean-up runs alsoupdate these entries. They can, however, confuse agents when they areworking in their inboxes (WAR) as well as reducestatistical evaluations in the extract table.
      It therefore makes sense to execute additional runs usingFLEXFIN to ensure that the extract table is asup-to-date as possible.
      The runs are executed using parallel jobs to increase performance.
