Programme SAP REA_BILLP_P201_01 - BRE: Parallel Execution

BRE parallel execution

The report allows you to execute the BRE standard runin parallel jobs. This means that you can work through large numbers oferrors in the most efficient way possible.
In addition to the usual parameters for BRE standard execution, you alsohave to maintain the technical settings.
If you select the indicator variants for mass BRE, the systemonly creates the corresponding variants and the correspondingselections.
If you also select the indicator automatic job scheduling, thesystem generates and starts automatic jobs for the variants.
SAP recommends that you use the default values for the technicalsettings:

  • Number of entries per variant

  • Delay variant start

  • Delay in seconds

  • Number of jobs

  • SAP also recommends that you set the indicator job log (->extratime), especially in the implementation phase.
    You should also use all the log options during this phase.
    This enables SAP to reproduce all possible errors that may occur. Youcan deselect options to improve performance once the BRE tool has beensuccessfully installed and it runs without any errors.
    However, always use the complete billing log option. Thisprovides you with a standard billing log for the (re-)billing procedureintegrated in the BRE.
    If you select the indicator detail view of installation, allaffected installations are displayed in a list.
    You can include a customer-specific overview report for an installationusing the enhancement EBIA0030 (user exitEXIT_SAPLBRECOV_001). You can start thisreport by double clicking on an installation from the installation list.

    The SLG1 application log for BRE runs uses the object IUBRE instead ofthe object IU00.
