Programme SAP REASTA01 - UIS: Sales Statistics Update

Periodic Update of Print Documents

Using this function, you can update invoiced billing documentspreiodically in the IS-U Information System (UIS). The system uses aDelta updateand only selects billing documents that have not yet beenentered in the statistics. These are usually billing documents thatwere invoiced after the last update, or for which invoicing wascanceled. Note that you must start this function as a mass run.


  • You must have configured the UIS sales statistics (Customizing: SAP
  • Utilities -> Information Sytem -> Statistics -> Sales Statistics).
    You must have carried out a posting procedure for the billing documentsyou want to update. (invoicing or invoice reversal). The system onlytakes into account billing document line items that have:
    • a billing quantity or net amount that is relevant for statistics, or

    • an update group in billing.

    • The relevance of a quantity/amount for statistics can be determinedfrom the definition of a quantity/amount in a statistics group. Formore information, see the corresponding IMG activity (SAP Utilities ->Information System -> Statistics -> Sales Statistics -> UpdatingControl).

      The basis for the sales statistics is formed from the billing documentsthat are entered and invoiced in billing.
      The data is reduced so that is composed only of statistics-relevantinformation, and transferred to the UIS as a communication structure.The posting date and consumption month are included in the consumptionand revenue data that is transferred. The consumption and revenue aredistributed over the consumption months using the relevant weightingprocedure.
      The updating program of the UIS compresses the communication structureusing periodic and object-related cummulation. The resultinginformation is updated in the communication structures of the UIS.

442591UIS: EURO changeover of IS-U sales statistics