Programme SAP REASTA00 - UIS: Simulate Document Update

Update Simulation for Individual Print Documents

Using this function, you can

  • simulate print document updates in the IS-U information system (UIS).

  • test your settings in Customizing

    • You have customized the sales statisitics in the IS-U information
    • system (UIS).
      • The billing documents you want to update have already been invoiced; or
      • invoicing of the billing documents has been reversed. The system onlytakes into account these line items, for which the following applies:
        The billing quantity or net amount must be relevant to statistics
        An update group must have been determined. The statistical relevance ofa quantity/amount is derived from the definition of the correspondingstatistics group (quantity/amount). For more information, seeCustomizing for Sales Statistics under the heading Update Control (alsonote Statistics Groups).
