Programme SAP REASCHEMA - Print Schema Steps

List of Steps in a Billing Schema

Commentary: used in message AJ 345
This report enables you to print the steps of a billing schema in theform of a list. For reasons of limited space, only the following fieldsof the schema steps are printed:

  • Consecutive number in billing schema

  • Rate key

  • Indicator: schema step not active

  • Variant program

  • Input operands

  • Output operands

  • Season

  • Deletion operand

  • Fields for controlling backbilling

  • Since the structure of the list depends on the fields used in theschema, the system determines the width of the list dynamically. Whenyou print the list, please choose a format with a sufficient columnwidth.

    You can call this report in the "Display Schema" and "Change Schema"functions. To do so, choose the Print button on the schema stepsscreen.