Programme SAP REAMI_MSG_DELETE - IS-U Archiving: Delete AMI Text Messages

This report is the second step in archiving messages in the AMIenvironment. The report deletes messages on the basis of the archivecreated previously.
The archiving object for archiving AMI messages is ISU_AMIMSG.

  • Use transaction AOBJ to call up the definition of the archiving object
  • and the related Customizing settings.
    • Use transaction SARA to call up archiving administration and the related
    • Customizing settings.
      • Use transaction SARI to call up the technical view of archived log
      • messages.

        The archiving of messages includes the following reports:
        Archiving report (REAMI_MSG_ARCH)
        The system analyzes the messages and writes archivable entries in thearchive file.
        Deletion report (REAMI_MSG_DELETE)
        The system deletes the entries based on the archive file createdpreviously from the database tables.
        RESET N1

        This report deletes all messages from the database, based on the archivecreated in the first step.

        When you start the report, you can make the following settings on theinitial screen:

        • Test Mode: Starts the report as a test run; the system does not
        • make any changes in the database.
          • Production Mode: Starts the report as a production run; the
          • system makes changes in the database.
            • Detail Log: Display log containing extensive data for every
            • analyzed data record (not recommended for large amounts of data).