Programme SAP REAMI_DELETE_OPERATIONAL_STATE - Deletion of Operational State

You can use this report to delete the following:

  • Operational states

  • Operational state requests

  • Priorities of operational state requests
  • Features
    This report selects devices and, based on the settings in the
    General Data group frame, executes the actions described belowunder Selection.

    Device Data Group Frame
    If you do not enter a serial number, the system selects all devices ofthe device category specified in the Material field.
    If you do not enter a date of request or time of request, the systemselects all operational state data available for the selected devices.
    General Data Group Frame

    • Delete Operational State Data checkbox selected

    • If you select the Delete Operational State Data checkbox,the system deletes the operational state request, the priorities of theoperational state request, the operational states themselves, and thedescriptions of the operational states for the selected devices andcreates a log.
      • Delete Operational State Data checkbox not selected

      • If you do not select the Delete Operational State Data
        checkbox, the system creates a log of the selected devices.