Programme SAP REAARCH_READ_HEAD - Archive Billing Documents

Archive billing document headers

This report carries out the second step in archiving billingdocument headers: writing billing document headers to an archive file,based on the analysis carried out in the first step.
The archiving object related to the archiving of billing documentheaders is called ISU_BILL. It encompasses the following print documentdata:

  • Billing document

  • Outsorting data for a billing document

  • Link data to the corresponding print document

  • Analysis periods of dynamic period control

  • Consumption data for a billing document

  • Using the AOBJ transaction you will find the definition of the ISU_BILLarchiving object and the related Customizing.
    Using the SARA transaction you will find archiving administration andthe related Customizing.
    Using the SARI transaction you will find the technical view of anarchive.
    Using the standard Utilities Industry menu, you will find the accountingview of an archived billing document.



    • First step in archiving billing document headers: analyzingbilling document headers with a view to possibly archiving them.

      • Third step: deleting the billing document headers in the databaseon the basis of the previously created archive.

        • Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual documents. You have toreload the entire archiving run. This procedure should not normally beused and should be limited to extreme problem cases (for example,incorrect retention period in Customizing).

          • This report allows you to read a billing document header archive and todisplay parts of the data in a list before the deletion program has beenexecuted. It displays the data in a technical view.

            Before starting this archiving report, you have to carry out at leastone analysis with the REAARCH_ANALYSE_HEAD report.


            The analysis report selects the billing document headers that havearchiving indicator 4 (billing document header can be archived). Theyare written to an archive file and their archiving indicator is set to 5(billing document header can be deleted) in the ERCHARC table. If youstart the report in test mode, the changes to the database describedabove are not carried out and the system just displays a detailedoverview (you can set the level of detail) of the documents that you canarchive.

            Starting the program
            When you start the report you can make various settings on the initialscreen:
            Log type: general statistical data, detail log with detailed data foreach analyzed record (can become confusing with large amounts of data)or detail log with detailed data for documents that could not bearchived.
            Test run: If you start the report as a test run, no changes are made tothe database (updating the archiving indicator, writing to the archivefile, etc.).
            Comment on archive run: here you can enter an individual comment for anarchiving run.

            Error messages specific to the report (for system administrators)
            If one of the following system messages occurs while the program isrunning, proceed as follows:

            • Program stop: error opening the archive file

            • The system could not open a new archive file.
              Get rid of the reason for the error message and restart the archivingreport.
              • Program stop: error reading archive information

              • After the system opens a new archive file, it reads system data from thefile. In this case this was not possible.
                Get rid of the reason for the error message and restart the archivingreport.
                • Program stop: Error updating the archiving indicator in the ERCHARC
                • table
                  A list of billing document numbers is displayed with this error message.The line could not be inserted in one of these billing documents.
                  Find out for which billing documents the archiving indicator could notbe inserted and get rid of the reason for the error message. Restart theanalysis report.
                  • Program stop: error closing the archive file

                  • The archive file could not be closed. Get rid of the reason for theerror message. Restart the analysis report.