Programme SAP REAABSL3 - Automatic Adjustment of Payment Schemes

Automatic Adjustment of Payment Schemes

You use this program for the automatic mass adjustment of paymentschemes.


The selection parameters are split into five areas:
Adjustment Parameters
The adjustment type can be Raise, Lower, orExtrapolate. If you select Raise or Lower, you alsohave to enter a percentage rate.
You have to enter the percentage rate of adjustment if you select theadjustment type Raise or Lower.
The adjustment from-date determines the date as of when a payment schemecan be adjusted. It cannot be before the current system date. This datecan be adjusted automatically.
You can choose whether you want inactive payment schemes to be adjustedautomatically.
You can choose whether you want cancelled payment schemes to be adjustedautomatically.
You can choose whether payment scheme adjustment is only carried outuntil the end of the billing period that contains the from-date.
Main Selection Parameters
You have to choose one main selection parameter. You cannot choosemultiple main selection parameters.
Secondary Selection Parameters
In addition to one main selection parameter, you can choose as manysecondary selection parameters as you want.
Technical Options
You can choose whether to simulate the adjustment. No data is change inthe database during simulation.
Print and Archiving Parameters
You can choose whether the system prints out a change notification forthe customer. If you select this checkbox, you first have to set theprint parameters by choosing the Print Parameter pushbutton.


The following rules apply for the adjustment:

  • This program adjusts the amounts of all lines of a payment scheme that
  • are changeable after the from-date. The changeability statuses of thelines are taken into account. If a line has the changeability status01 Do Not Adjust for Interim and Periodic Bill, the system doesnot adjust it and skips to the next line.
    • For all adjustment types, the program prorates the payment scheme for
    • the from-date if necessary, and then includes all other lines after thefrom-date in the adjustment. For example:
      The payment scheme currently consists of one line: June 1, 2008 #December 31, 9999.
      You want the from-date to be August 1, 2009.
      After the adjustment, the following lines exist:
      August 1, 2009 # December 31, 9999 with an adjusted amount
      June 1, 2008 # July 31, 2009 with an unaffected amount
      • If you selected the Only Until End Billing Period option, the
      • system prorates the payment scheme at the end of the billing period thatcontains the from-date if necessary. For example:
        The payment scheme currently consists of one line: June 1, 2008 #December 31, 9999.
        You want the from-date to be August 1, 2009. The option Only Until EndBilling Period is selected.
        The billing period is April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010
        After adjustment, the following lines exist:
        April 1, 2010 # December 31, 9999 with an unaffected amount
        August 1, 2009 # March 31, 2010 with an adjusted amount
        June 1, 2008 # July 31, 2009 with an unaffected amount