Programme SAP RDRF_MESSAGE_REOUT - Repeat Data Replication

You use this report to repeat data replication that you have alreadyperformed. For example, if errors occured during a previous replicationrun.
The report creates one or multiple outbound messages to be sent to atarget system based on an outbound implementation that you have definedto be used for a particular replication model. You can create theoutbound messages directly or in the background.

The system takes into account the implicit filters and implicit checksthat you defined and activated in Customizing, as well as the explicitfilters that you defined on the SAP Easy Access screen underProcesses and Tools for Enterprise Applications -> Master DataGovernance -> Data Replication -> Define Filter Criteria
. If required, you can override the explicit filters duringmanualrequests.


  • You have defined the required replication model and assigned appropriate
  • outbound implementations to it. In addition, when using Manualreplication mode, you have activated explicit filters for the outboundimplementation.
    • You have authorization to execute this report.

    • The system also performs an authorization check for the ReplicationModel and Outbound Implementation fields. This checkdetermines whether you are authorized to change a message. This check iscontrolled via the DRF_ADM authorization check.

      You can use this report to repeat the data replication for the followingdata:

      • All

      • Data replication is repeated for all data that matches the specifiedcriteria and the specified run.
        • Erroneous

        • Data replication is repeated for data where an error ocurred previouslyin the specified run.
          To increase the performance during mass data processing, you have theoption of running processes using a logon/server group.

          You can select multiple outbound implementations. This enables differentoutbound messages to be processed together.

          The report creates the corresponding XML outbound message for the localIntegration Engine. You canmonitor the connection status of the Integration Engine via transactionSXMB_MONI. An application log informs you aboutthe data processing status. You can subsequently call up thisapplication log on the SAP Easy Access screen under Processesand Tools for Enterprise Applications -> Master Data Governance ->Data Replication -> Analyze Replication Log.