Programme SAP RDDKOR56 - Analysis of Delivery Classes of Tables

This report evaluates the tables of the SAP System with regard to theirdelivery classes.
The first parameter "Only delivery class" controls whether all thetables (entry '*') or only those in the specified delivery classes areevaluated.
The next two parameters control whether all tables or onlyclient-specific or client-independent tables are displayed.
The next parameters control whether views and tables or only tables areevaluated.
The fifth parameter "with request evaluation" controls whether releasedrequests are searched for. All the requests contained in each table areoutput, but the display can be restricted by specifying a period oftime. If no period is specified, the selection does not depend on therelease date of the task.
When an upgrade file is specified, thedisplay is restricted to the tables contained in the upgrade file.The upgrade file name can be entered generically, using an asterisk atthe end.
The last two parameters control sorting. If no special sorting isselected, sorting is according to the table names.
If either "Sort according to table owner" or "Sort according to personresponsible for the development class" is selected, there is a new pagefor each change in the person resonsible.
At the end of the list, statistics are output which show how manytables exist in the system in all, divided into delivery class andclient-dependency.