Programme SAP RDDKMAND - Correct the MANDATORY Field in DD03L

Transaction SE11 for maintaining tables (and table fields) sometimesproduces incorrect or senseless information (dd031-mandatory = 'A').
You can see whether this problem has arisen by looking at theactivation log for this table which contains the error 115 'FieldMANDATORY FIELD: Value A not allowed'.
The incorrect information is deleted by this report. The name of thetable to be corrected (TABNAME) must be entered on the screen.

The number of corrected fields is output.

1. Start transaction SE38
2. Enter program name RDDKMAND
3. Press the F8 key or click on 'Execute' with the mouse
4. Enter the name of the table to be corrected
5. Press the F8 key or click on 'Execute' with the mouse