Programme SAP RDDGETGT - Conflict Test of a Transport Object With Delivery

This program tests whether an individual transport object is containedcompletely or partly in an upgrade of the SAP standard delivery.

The check against the SAP delivery requires that the table TODIR validfor the respective target release is filled. During the upgrade, thisis the case after the EU_IMPORT phases (see Note 45254). The contentsof TODIR are not overwritten again until the next upgrade.
The transport object must have an object directory entry in tableTADIR. Single table entries (R3TR TABU) cannot be checked.

The status of the object is output in a list.

Which parts of function group SMLT are delivered by SAP for the upgradefrom 30C to 30F?
Source release 30C
Target release 30F
Release map
Transport class (PGMID) R3TR
Transport objects (OBJECT) FUGR