Programme SAP RDDEXECL - Execute Reports after Import for Transport Requests from TRBAT

1497083EHP2 for SAP SCM 7.0 SP stacks - Release & Information Note
1597767Known problems with Support Packages in SAP NW 7.3 AS ABAP
1522754SAP TM 8.0 - collection of notes, pro-active implementation
1334545Installation of SAP Enhancement Package 1 for SAP SCM 7.0
584548Unusually high number of redo logs
1622110BP_OTH: Syntax error in program SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL
1162379After Support Package imp: Syntax errors due to ENQUEUE FMs
1074388SAPBINews NetWeaver 7.0 BI Support Package 16
848414Support Packages for SAP Application Platform (SAP_AP)
1180890Installation/upgrade SCMTMS 700 on NW 7.01 Enhancement Pack
429060IS-OIL / IS-MINE : Upgrade 4.6C Support Release 2
71353Transports hang during background steps
905420DB2-z/OS: Upgrade to CRM4.0SR1 & R3E4.7x2SR1
661252DB2-z/OS: Additions upgrade to Basis 6.40
925688Double-Byte environment: Error while loading SAPKITL412
768634SCM 4.0: Termination when importing SP8 or SP11
592545Ignoring method execution error in XPRA_Phase
422645Additions to the upgrade to AFS V3.0B
26966Background jobs do not start when transporting
571592XPRA RMCSBWXP_SD_2 terminates during upgrade to PI 2002.1
122597Ignoring errors in the phase XPRAS_...
397921ROICXKON_46C / _46B logs warning during upgrade
377496IS-OIL / IS-MINE : Upgrade 4.6C Support Release 1
419664Error M2073 after transport deletion information structure
364634Transport info structure: No error log
403767Upgrade: FICXPRA1 terminates with error message XI166
34395tp return codes and programs used by tp
307993Error after transport: Deleting info structure(2)